“What I have to offer is my commitment to truth; that loving awareness exists in each one of us and that within this space, we are All One”


I find purpose, honor and a high-degree of service in sparking the curiosity in others to travel their own, personal inner-healing journey. This awakening process, often traveling thru trauma towards reclamation of Self, reveals the most purposeful work of all and, I believe, holds the mystery of our humanity. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for beauty, we instead turn within, journey to the inner-verse and within this moment, reside in stillness. The process is simple in the sense that each one of us is inherently unique and beautiful. I see it as imperative to continue the quest to reveal your own true Self to your self, and I believe it could easily be seen as the highest level of service for the benefit of all beings everywhere thus leading to personal-social responsibility.

By continuing my own inner-quest, and sharing that honest journey so that I may live fully in service and in the presence of truth, is my commitment.

Amongst many other roles that I have played in my life thus far, currently I am identified as a Licensed Esthetician, a Certified Life-Purpose Coach and after 25 years of teaching yoga, a Certified Yoga Teacher. I am also a Spiritual Musician and a fellow seeker on the Path.

The Vermilion Border is a Holistic Self-Care Education Company that allows for the expression of service that uses self-knowledge as a path to the heart.

All One
